Friday, January 31st, 2014 Focus: The true story of who I really am begins now.

Right Brain

The true story of who we really are begins now. We are no longer tossed willy-nilly from one desire, thought, or worry to another in a futile process of trying to escape the nearly infinite forms of “this isn’t it” and especially “I am not sufficient as I am.”

If we realize that we are truly originating ourselves over and over, we have the power to claim a relationship to ourselves that begins right now. Then we are capable of responding to our own feelings or to our situations rather than reacting. When we react, we contribute to the problem. Our judgments are quick, poorly considered, and generally defensive or self-negating. We feel divided from ourselves as well as from others. It becomes difficult to know what to do next.

We can take the time to appreciate what we are feeling and see our own states of being, and the behavior of others, in a larger context of empathy and compassion. There is no lingering misery, and no sense of being lost and afraid. Instead there is a growing space of trust. But to have this kind of personal authority, we have to learn to stay right here and wait with our minds stilled until the waters calm and we sense the deeper current of our lives once again.

Excerpted from the article:

Our Lives Always Begin Now
by Dr. Richard Moss.

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The Mandala of Being: Discovering the Power of Awareness
by Richard Moss.

Many people obstruct their innate potential through repeated patterns of emotional struggle and suffering. This practical, hands-on guide explains why and how people habitually fall into this trap and provides a program, easily incorporated into everyday life, that frees them from this destructive behavior. Drawing on his three decades of teaching consciousness, Richard Moss plays the role of wise shepherd, accompanying and encouraging the reader on a journey toward the genius within and away from fear and other limitations. Most importantly, he offers an always-available compass that directs readers back to the true self, and into the magic of the present moment.

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Thursday, January 30th, 2014 Focus: My wish is the Universe’s command, whether consciously or unconsciously.

Most of the people who try to implement the Law of Attraction and fail are unaware of the issues that are blocking their ability to manifest their desires. This is usually because they haven’t done the work required to clearly attract what they think they want. The reason I say “think they want” is because contrary to their belief, the technique is actually working perfectly.

Making a list of affirmations and reciting them over and over is a powerful tool, but saying I am an abundant being to yourself does very little if deep down — beneath your conscious mind — you believe the opposite.

Your wish is the Universe’s command, whether consciously or unconsciously. It will give you everything you ask for, so it’s vital that you know exactly what it is you’re asking for. Otherwise, you’ll practice these techniques and pull into your life all the things you believe you don’t want, and you’ll say that it doesn’t work. It does work – every time! Now it’s time for you to do the work so that your soul’s desire – not your ego’s – will be realized.

Excerpted from the article:
A Short Course in Manifestation: The First Step in Spiritual Mastery
by James F. Twyman.

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The Moses Code: The Most Powerful Manifestation Tool in the History of the World — by James F. Twyman.

At the very heart of the Moses Code is the true function and practice of the Law of Attraction. You may have been told that this Law is all about “getting” the things you want-things that you think will make your life more satisfying. But what if that’s just the first step, and cracking the Moses Code depends more on what you’re willing to “give” rather than “get”. You’re here to use the power of Divinity itself to create a world based on the laws of compassion and peace. That’s the task that lies before us.

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Wednesday, January 29th, 2014 Focus: I choose to focus on one good thing… and then another.

It is easy to fall into the complaining habit especially when so many around us seem caught up in it! The newscasters focus on negative events, even friends and family focus on what is going wrong with them (oh my arthritis! oh my bad knees! oh my! oh my!) so that it is sometimes too easy to fall into the trap.

Yet, we can change the tone of conversations… or at least we can change our part in them by focusing on just one good thing.. and then another… and another… Until we have created a habit in ourselves of always looking for one good thing, and then another, and another…

So today I wish you the pleasure of focusing on just one good thing to set the tone of your day… Once you start doing this every morning, you’ll find that not only is it habit forming, it is a habit that is truly enjoyable… and that is a really good thing!

Excerpted from the article:
Just One Good Thing… and then another
by Marie T. Russell.

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Monday, January 27th, 2014 Focus: I allow my passion to guide me to my right livelihood.

Right Brain
When you allow your passion to guide you to your right livelihood, you will be hard-pressed to call it “work.” While the Wright brothers were developing the first airplane, one of them told a reporter, “We can’t wait to get up in the morning!”

People who have found their true calling report that they are having so much fun, they feel like they should be paying people to let them do it. Yet they are paid well for their services, and rightfully so. Their gifts go far beyond the obvious service they perform; they are teaching (by example) authentic self-expression, which cannot be translated into dollars.

You don’t need to be a Wright brother to be able to look forward to your day. Just be you. Heed your natural instincts. When something lights you up, pursue it. When something shuts you down, step back. The world will not fall apart if you take care of yourself before your clients. It will come together.

Excerpted from the article:
Being True to Your Passion or Feeling Burnt Out?
by Alan Cohen.

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Why Your Life Sucks — and what you can do about it
by Alan H. Cohen.

When your life sucks, it’s a wake-up call. Now self-help guru and bestselling author Alan Cohen invites you to answer that call, change your course, and enjoy the life you were meant to live. In ten compelling chapters, Cohen shows you how to stop wasting your energy on people and things that deaden you–and use it for things you love. With great humor, great examples, and exhilarating directness, Why Your Life Sucks doesn’t just spell out the ways in which you undermine your power, purpose, and creativity – it shows you how to reverse the damage.

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Friday, January 24th, 2014 Focus: I seek to find truth and wisdom in each new viewpoint I encounter.

Many people confuse the concept of tolerance with indifference or naiveté. To be tolerant, we must value the right of each person to hold beliefs different from our own, even when we think those beliefs are incorrect.

When we reach the most profound levels of tolerance, we cease to be threatened by foreign ideas; instead, we seek to find truth and wisdom in each new viewpoint we encounter.

By approaching the world with arms outstretched, our souls become infused with the power of many peoples and beliefs.

Excerpted from the article:
Pearls of Religious Wisdom
by Sarah Stillman.

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Soul Searching: A Girl’s Guide to Finding Yourself
by Sarah Stillman.

An updated, indispensable guide to empowerment and self-discovery for teens. Originally written when the author was just sixteen, Soul Searching has been fully updated and expanded to address the concerns of today’s teens, bringing girl power to the printed page by offering young women a clear path to self-discovery and empowerment. Through fun quizzes, insightful exercises, and provocative statistics, Sarah guides young women through the complex maze between adolescence and adulthood. Featuring updated sections on safe cell-phone use, social media, health, and gender, as well as including updated resources throughout, Soul Searching is a must-read for teenage girls.

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Tuesday, January 21st, 2014 Focus: I choose to handle my anger in a way that is helpful to me.

It goes to eleven
Anger is an extremely powerful emotion. It can energize you in a way that most emotions do not. Think of all the energy you use when you are angry. Now think of what you could do with that energy if it were directed in a way that was beneficial to you.

You can choose to handle your anger in a way that is helpful to you, or not. However you choose to handle your anger, try not to hold it inside. Holding on to your anger internally will not help you feel better emotionally. Besides, if you hold your anger in, it is likely to affect your health, and who wants that?

Ways to Express Anger:

Discuss your feelings of anger in an effective, assertive manner with someone you trust.
Do physical exercise of any type (walking, jogging, biking, swimming, etc.).
Write about how you are feeling in a journal.
Rearrange closets, drawers, cabinets, shelves, etc.
Do arts and crafts activities (sewing, knitting, drawing, etc.).
Engage in household activities (painting, wallpapering, gardening, polishing silverware).

Excerpted from the article:
How To Handle Anger
by Amy B. Trachter, Psy.D., Ph.D.

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Unflappable: 6 Steps to Staying Happy, Centered, and Peaceful No Matter What — by Ragini Elizabeth Michaels.

Unflappable is a book that helps readers not only survive, but embrace the ups and downs of life. Drawing on the wisdom of the mystics and her NLP (neuro linguistic programming) training the author offers a six-step process for happiness and serenity regardless of how crazy life gets. Unflappable offers a unique route to a different brand of happiness–one that doesn’t depend on outside circumstances, and incorporates a model for conscious living that leads to serenity.

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Monday, January 20th, 2014 Focus: Gratitude impacts my mood, my sleep, how I eat, exercise, and interact with others.

Here is a gratitude practice that can have an immediate impact on your life:

Every three or four days, look back over that time period and write down three to five things that happened at home for which you are grateful. This could be appreciation for a kind act someone did for you or for any of the little things in your life — that comfortable chair, the flavor of a particular food, the book you are reading, the music you love, the hot water in your shower. (You are not limited to five items.)

Do this for a four-week period to see how it affects your life. You might even track how gratitude impacts your mood, your sleep, how you eat, exercise, and interact with others.

Excerpted from the article:
Gratitude for the Day
by Donald Altman.

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Friday, January 17th, 2014 Focus: Meditation helps me get healthy, stay healthy, and relax quickly.

Don’t be surprised if your doctor says to you, “Have you considered meditation?” He’s not some alternative quack. Each year I teach about 200 people — a quarter of my intake — on doctors’ referrals.

The doctors are on firm ground when they recommend meditation. They are backed up by hundreds, perhaps thousands, of scientific studies going back decades. I attended a medical conference recently where the doctor who spoke on meditation cited 212 references in his paper.

The jury has delivered its verdict. Meditation is not like the latest wonder herb from the Amazon. It’s not a kind of faith healing based on hypnotic suggestion. If you are sick, meditation can help in measurable ways. If you are not sick, meditation will help you stay healthy. It works in two main ways: it helps the body relax quickly and it settles the overwrought mind.

Excerpted from the article:
Better Health Through Meditation
by Eric Harrison.

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Teach Yourself to Meditate in 10 Simple Lessons: Discover Relaxation and Clarity of Mind in Just Minutes a Day
by Eric Harrison.

A READY-MADE KIT. JUST ADD TIME. If you are willing to invest 15 minutes a day, Teach Yourself to Meditate in 10 Simple Lessons can help you develop life-long skills that will improve your health, happiness and peace of mind. The course in this book doesn’t require you to follow a complex set of rules; rather, it teaches you the core practices, including: Breathing, Posture, Mantras, Body Awareness, Visualization, Detachment.

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Thursday, January 16th, 2014 Focus: I choose and create the world I want to live in.

Life is good

Life is good

Choose the world you want to live in. Choose the people you want around you to help you create that world. Choose according to your conscience — according to your higher self — according to your highest vision for life on earth.

Make your choices now and every single moment of the day. Do not let fear and despair rule you. Let your vision of hope and of a greater possibility for life guide you. Let your dreams drive you. Let your vision of a “heaven on earth” guide you.

If we don’t make the choices that are ours to make, others will make those choices for us. Let’s take our power back and create the life we want for ourselves, for our children, and for our children’s children. It’s up to you, it’s up to me, it’s up to all of us individually and collectively to choose the path we want to walk on, to lead us where we want to be.

Excerpted from the article:
Choices: Every Single One Makes a Difference
by Marie T. Russell.

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Monday, January 13th, 2014 Focus: When making choices, I give my inner knowing the right of way.

You won’t always get support from others for following your intuition. Humans like their world to be predictable and they get uncomfortable when others rock the boat.

Feeling pressure to be logical and conform to what we think others want is fairly common. Pleasing others is a tough habit to break.

Remind yourself that your inner knowing is your most trusted friend. Practice giving it the right of way, and you’ll see your choices will yield a life — now and over the long run.

Excerpted from the article:
Obeying Your Intuition Can Bring Up Emotions, Fear, Doubts, Criticism…
by Jude Bijou, M.A., M.F.T.

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Attitude Reconstruction: A Blueprint for Building a Better Life
by Jude Bijou, M.A., M.F.T.

Attitude Reconstruction is a 2012 ForeWord Reviews gold award winner in BOTH Self Help and Psychology, the 2012 winner of the prestigious Benjamin Franklin Award in Self Help, winner of the 2012 Nautilus Silver Award for personal growth/self-help/psychology and Indie Excellence Book Awards finalist. It is your inside guide to building a better life, right now. Attitude Reconstruction blends the best of western and eastern approaches, and shows you how to harness the innate tools you were born with to build a life of joy, love, and peace. I guarantee this step-by-step guide will get you there if you’re open, willing, and ready to fly.

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