I choose to forget what happened in the past and move ahead.

InnerSelf.com – Daily Inspiration:

Somebody may have insulted you forty years ago and you are still annoyed with that person, still telling your children and grandchildren about it. But since that occasion you have moved millions of kilometres through space; time has changed, energies have changed, the whole universe has changed, and you are still holding on to a silly incident of the past.

While we hold on to the past — whether as an individual, a family, a nation or a religion — we are holding back the progress of the planet.

Forget what happened in the past; always move ahead. The Truth is here now.

EXCERPTED FROM the InnerSelf.com article:
The Real Spiritual Path
by Imre Vallyon.

TO READ MORE of this excerpt, go to
<a href=”http://innerself.com/content/articles/spirituality/general/6924-real-spiritual-path.html“>AOL click here</a>


InnerSelf.com – Book of the day:
Planetary Transformation: A Personal Guide To Embracing Planetary Change
by Imre Vallyon.

The author outlines the spiritual roots of the physical upheavals that are manifesting on Earth, providing deeper understanding. In the turbulent days to come, people will have a choice: Be one of those who are buffeted by events they do not understand. Or be one of those who know what is happening and who will work with the incoming energy of change to help turn planet Earth into an unimaginable world of Harmony, Love, Peace and Unity.

For more info or to order this book:
<a href=”http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/0909038619/innerselfcom“>AOL click here</a>


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I can complain, or I can choose to do something about it.

InnerSelf.com – Daily Inspiration:

It’s so easy to complain. We all have done it at times, some of us more than others. We all have various and sometimes numerous reasons to complain. Some of them are within our power to change, and others not. We complain about our job, our health, the weather, our neighbors, our kids, our families, our government, the environment, the state of the world…

As you can see, if you want to complain there’s no lack of things to complain about. However, the question is, does complaining help? And, of course, we all know the answer… complaining does not really help. We do have a choice. As we always do. We can choose to complain about our life or we can “get off the pot” and do something about it.

Our life is as we make it. Yes, things happen “to us”, but how we react, and what we choose to do about it is entirely up to us. We can, as many of us did for years, focus on personal growth and healing our lives… and this is an important process. Yet, we need to remember that healing our lives involves the healing of the planet. The planet is our home… all of it…

EXCERPTED FROM the InnerSelf.com article:
Beautify the World
by Marie T. Russell.

TO READ MORE of this excerpt, go to
<a href=”http://innerself.com/content/articles/social-a-political/general/5286-beautify-the-world.html“>AOL click here</a>


InnerSelf.com – Book of the day:
Small Pleasures: Finding Grace in a Chaotic World
by Justine Toms.

InnerSelf.com – Today’s Focus: I choose to pay attention to what is going on inside of me.

InnerSelf.com – Daily Inspiration:

Do you know who you are? I mean, who you REALLY are? Or do you just know the summation of your patterned behaviors, words, thoughts and feelings? Typically we think we know ourselves, and we call our patterns a personality. But often this personality is really just an identity — a mask, costume and role that we’ve lived into for so long that we think it is who we are.

Eventually however, we reach a pivotal crisis in which the role no longer works, or we develop so much pain that we have to consider the possibility that this role will not continue to work. The next question becomes “How do I find out who I am?” And there are many ways to do that, but all of them require that we begin to pay more attention to what is going on inside than we do what is going on outside of us.

Looking at some of our projections, paying attention to our desires, noticing our so-called negative feelingsand allowing them to inform us of what we are doing that is inauthentic, looking at our original belief systems as opposed to just accepting what we’ve been taught — these are all methods by which we can begin the journey to the inner terrain and the authentic Self.

EXCERPTED FROM the InnerSelf.com article:
Restoring My Soul: The Authentic Self
by Andrea Mathews. 

TO READ MORE of this excerpt, go to
<a href=”http://innerself.com/content/articles/personal-growth/general/6928-restoring-my-soul-authentic-self.html”>AOL click here</a>